
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Episode 07: Master the Basics with Josh Anderson
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
In Episode 7, Josh Anderson, of the Josh Anderson Real Estate Group, speaks with Nick Baldwin, host of Real Estate Rewind. Anderson describes what led him to leave the banking industry and how he found success in real estate by mastering the basics. He will inspire you to abandon shiny object syndrome in favor of building your business through consistent hard work.
Episode Highlights:
- Josh Anderson began his career in investment banking. He didn’t have a mentor and didn’t feel he was growing.
- He got into real estate because he wanted to buy an investment property. That didn’t work out, but getting his license did.
- Anderson recently advised an intern about how important it is to find a mentor to learn from.
- He initially had misinformation about being a realtor but it ended up being a perfect fit.
- In his first year, he succeeded because he helped wherever he could and listened to conversations people were having around him.
- Anderson utilized his own database using a simple spreadsheet. He shares his early process for following up with leads.
- They discuss shiny object syndrome in the real estate industry.
- Anderson reveals the early mistakes he made as he built-out his team.
- They explore motivation and how it affects different team members.
- Former members of Anderson’s team have left, but were trained so well that they have thriving businesses of their own.
- Anderson loves seeing former team members succeed.
- They discuss the value of a P&L statement.
- Anderson’s business is 75% sphere of influence and 25% video and other leads.
- His team has a high profit margin because they know their database.
- Having a highly visible office was a factor in increasing his team’s average price point.
- Another way to increase your average price point is to work expired listings in very targeted areas.
- Additionally, former first-time buyers are moving up, which increases the average price point.
- Anderson’s team does not farm geographically.
- They try to genuinely connect with likeminded people.
- Anderson is still in production but enjoys team-building most.
- Doing things repetitively and consistently is boring but it will bring you success.
- Never give up future business for business you already have.
- Anderson describes what it was like talking about his business, on stage, with Gary Keller..
3 Key Points:
- Josh Anderson started his career in investment banking but felt his growth was stalled. When he earned his license he approached the business with the desire to learn.
- Even if it sounds boring, working hard and working smart is how you succeed in this business.
- Master the basics and put good processes in place.
Resources Mentioned:
- Nick Baldwin: LinkedIn Facebook
- Findessexandunionhomes.com
- Josh Anderson website, Facebook
- Mega Camp
- The Five Love Languages (book)
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